Saturday, 16 August 2014

Play "Applez " - Girly Game

NOTE: There are older versions of Applez currently floating around the internet. This is the new version and features auto saving for levels and achievements, so I recommend downloading this one and replacing any old files with this. Controls: move with the arrow keys (or WASD), press down to eat apples or throw-up. Move blocks with space (when fat). Push buttons when fat to make platforms solid. If you lose a life, the buttons will still be pushed down, but if you lose all your lives, all the buttons will be reset.. This is the new version of the game, with auto-saving! Challenging but bizarre retro-styled puzzle platformer. Eat apples, get fat, stomp on cats. A fun and different puzzle platformer, featuring 11 levels, 14 achievements to unlock, retro sprites and original music by 4 talented chiptune artists. The game also features a level select feature, allowing players to return to previous levels to get achievements they may have missed.

Play girly games today like "Applez " on the Fun Host of Girl Games and enjoy great free games in more than 30 categories like cooking, dress-up....

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