Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Play "Egyptian Videopoker" - Girly Game

In Egyptian Videopoker you would be a witness of a meeting which took place thousands years ago. One beautiful youth tried for many times to acquaint with a girl lived in neighborhood. But every time something gone wrong. Once he intended to come up to her in the market and, as ill luck would have it, a passing by cart wet him with the mud. Next time he decided to catch her near her house, but just he went into the street he stumbled and broke a leg, so the youth left his attempts for a month. The story could go further this way if the girl would came to know about her admirer. Her heart did not endure and she felt sorry for ill-starred guy. She invited him to the meeting herself, though that ancient times it was accepted as indecent! Now the youth is leading the girl for a walk. Nothing disturbs them and they enjoy each oth er.

"Egyptian Videopoker" is a girly game amongst the 20000 girl games available on Fun Host of girly Games. FunHost.Net is the Great Host of Fun Games and Apps for Free. Play Free New Games Every Day!

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