JABBO™ is a fun and engaging music-based game that uses your webcam to detect movement. Now you can thump to the beat of catchy tunes with a webcam-enabled computer in the privacy of your own home. JABBO Ultimatum also can be played with a keyboard! The basic goal is simple - jab one of the grey square as the colored circles fully enter it. If you jab the grey square at just the right time, you are awarded 10 points - a perfect jab. If you jab the square a little too early or a little too late, you are awarded only 1 point. However, if you allow an orange circle to pass throught a grey square without jabbing it, 5 points get deducted off your score. Hot Tip 1: Get as many perfect jab combos in a row as you can for a good BONUS SCORE! Hot Tip 2: If you are playing with your webcam, a jab can be made by poking into the grey sq uare with your hands, arms, elbows, head, or even your feet! (Although we do not recommend the risk of falling off your chair.)
"JABBO Ultimatum" is a girly game amongst the 20000 girl games available on Fun Host of girly Games. FunHost.Net is the Great Host of Fun Games and Apps for Free. Play Free New Games Every Day!
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